
About Peter
Peter Corbett is considered by many to be one of western Canada’s leading plein air oil painters. Peter creates small field paintings out of doors then uses these as reference material for much larger pieces created in the studio. Working from nature and the ever-changing light brings a loose spontaneity to his work. Peter’s studio practice also includes abstract and figurative motifs using a variety of different mediums. Peter’s work has been shown extensively in both public and commercial galleries. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and grants and has been a mentor and teacher in various capacities.
Peter is also a professional biologist and loves to share his enthusiasm for nature while painting out of doors. Painter regular instructs plein air painting workshops. Please contact us for more information about speaking and teaching opportunities.

About the St. George Studio
The St. George Studio is housed in the former St. George Anglican Church in Wells, BC. The church was started in 1934 by Reverend Higgs. At the time, the community of Wells had just been founded and was developing rapidly as gold mining grew in the area. Funds for the construction of a church were raised from many of the area's miners and investors, including the town's namesake, Fred Wells. Construction began in 1935 with the first service held that winter, the day King George V died.
By the Spring of 1936, the Bishop of Cariboo, Reverend George Wells, known as the Fighting Bishop, came up and officially dedicated the church to St. George. He did not consecrate it so that all denominations could use it. The church ran continuously until 1966.
In 1990, it was released from sacred use, enabling it to serve in a new capacity. A plaque to this effect still stands in the church which then became home to the Marie Nagel Gallery from 1991 to 2007, and Gary Fiegehan's gallery from 2007 to 2017.
Gary and Sara performed many restorations of the historic building, including lifting the building in 2012 to pour a new foundation, and adding plumbing to the rectory in 2013 to make the building a self-contained living space.
In 2018, Peter Corbett purchased the St. George church where he now lives and operates his painting studio year-round. Only a fraction of Peter's collection is made available on our online store; hundreds more paintings are available for viewing and purchase in studio. Studio hours can vary and visitors are asked to call ahead.